retireElectralloy announces that Mark A. Lewis, Melt Products Sales Manager, will retire effective February 1, 2023. 
Mr. Lewis started his career at Electralloy in 1979 in our Raw Materials department. He later helped promote our sales efforts in the pig and ingot product lines and most recently served as sales manager in our melt products division. During his lengthy tenure, he helped navigate Electralloy through the best as well as some of the most difficult of times the steel industry has experienced.  
“With over 40 years of dedicated service to Electralloy and our industry as a whole, Mark has proven to be an integral part of this organization. His hard work, commitment, and dedication are worthy of admiration,” said Tracy Rudolph, President / COO of Electralloy. “We are grateful for his loyalty and tireless work effort – all for the betterment of our customers, vendors, and fellow employees.” 

Please join us all in congratulating Mark as he begins the next chapter of his life in retirement. 

Thomas L. Buckley 
North American Sales and Marketing Manager 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 800-458-7273 

Ingot • Billet • Bar • Master Alloy • Weld Wire • G.O. Carlson Plate

Austenitic Stainless • Nitronic® • Martensitic • PH • Duplex • Nickel • Copper Nickel