After 33 years of outstanding service, Deborah Craig is retiring. 

Deborah joined Electralloy in October of 1988 and her first job was in the melt shop as Administrative Assistant to Wayne Weaver, then Plant Manager.
During her tenure with Electralloy, Deborah held multiple positions. She is retiring as Sales Manager-Forged Products.
“Deborah has been a constant professional throughout her 33+ years at Electralloy," said Mike Evans, VP of Sales. "Her industry knowledge and ability to forge such strong customer relationships will be missed. Deborah will also be fondly remembered by her current and past customers, and all of us here at Electralloy and G. O. Carlson, Inc. wish her nothing but the very best in a well-earned retirement.”
She will miss the customers she worked with for so many years because, according to Deborah, "forgers are some of the nicest people in the world".
Deborah plans on enjoying her retirement and is looking forward to be able to have “a second cup of coffee”.
Happy trails Deborah, thank-you!