January 13, 2022

Dear Valued Customers:

Electralloy today has announced 5% to 10% base price increases on all products, for noncontract orders. The price increase goes into effect January 17, 2022, for all new orders. All applicable surcharges will remain in effect.

We are facing very strong inflationary cost increases in all areas of our business, and it is necessary that we adjust our pricing to keep pace with these inflationary drivers. We are committed to doing our very best to minimize the impact of these increases while maintaining world-class customer service and product quality.

Please contact your Electralloy sales representative if you have any questions.


Greg Chirieleison

Vice President, Sales & Marketing

Ingot • Billet • Bar • Master Alloy • Weld Wire • G.O. Carlson Plate

Austenitic Stainless • Nitronic® • Martensitic • PH • Duplex • Nickel • Copper Nickel